Did you know that in French they refer to Spring time as ‘Printemps’, from Old French ‘prins’ (first) and ’temps’ (time as in weather). It is a time of celebration as the world wakes up from a long cold winter. Festivals celebrated include Mardi Gras, a week long festival  where everyone dances, dresses up in disguise and eats all the sweets and yummy foods in their cupboard to get ready for Lent. They also make lots of crêpes, a type of delicious pancake!

It’s also the time where animals come out of hibernation and many animals are born. Often animal songs are sung at this time, like this funny song about frogs talking to each other.

Et bien, finalement ce garçon

Il ferme les yeux pour mieux entendre

Il écoute encore les grenouilles

Et là, les yeux fermés

Il découvre qu’elles ne parlaient plus le langage des grenouilles

Pas du tout, en bien écoutant, elles parlaient le langage des gens