Which curriculum does St Paul’s follow for science?

At St Paul’s, we follow the National Curriculum for science.

Please click the document below to see the science curriculum map for Years 1 to 6.









Our ‘diversity in science’ document shows some of the scientists of different ethnicity, age, race, ability and gender that the children will study while at St Paul’s School.


                                            Science Diversity Map

Science learning begins in EYFS where children develop their skills of observation, prediction, critical thinking and discussion through their own discoveries and planned experiments. There is a strong emphasis on outdoor learning and providing children with the opportunity to be amazed by the natural world! Please see our Nursery and Reception curriculum maps and knowledge organisers for more information about what our EYFS children will be learning.


What are Knowledge Organisers?

Our St Paul’s knowledge organisers contain the key facts and information that your child needs to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic. They also act as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning.

Please visit your child’s year group page to see the science knowledge organisers for their year group.

Will my child go on any science trips?

We want our children to be curious and excited about the world around them. Each year, a range of exciting trips and visits related to science are organised by teachers, for example visiting museums, parks and going on nature walks. We also bring the awe and wonder of science into school with workshops, visitors and experiences such a planetarium visiting school.







Please press on the links below to see science topic widgits:

Autumn 1 

Y6 Electricity                   Y5 Materials

Y4 Teeth and digestion  Y3 Muscles, skeletons

Y2 Everyday materials  Y1 Ourselves

Y1 Autumn

Autumn 2

Y6 Light                   Y5 Earth and Space

Y4 States of matter  Y4 Electricity

Y3 Plants                    Y2 Habitats

Y1 Animals including humans – Pets

Spring 1

Y6 Animals including humans  Y5 Forces

Y4 Sound   Y3 Rocks and soil

Y2 Animals including humans 

Y1 Winter   Y1 Materials

Spring 2

Year 2 Lifecycles       Y4 Electricity    
Y6 Evolution and inheritance         

Summer 1

Year 6 Living Things Year 5 Living Things Year 4 Living Things Year 3 Forces&Magnets Year 2 plants Year 1 plants

Summer 2

Y3 Light          Y4 Food chains

Y5 Animals including humans