Which Curriculum Does St Paul’s Follow For Geography?

At St Paul’s, we follow the National Curriculum for Geography.

Please click the document below to see the Geography Curriculum map for Years 1 to 6.


Interwoven into our Geography Curriculum, is finding out about significant people and events from a wide range of cultures which reflect the diversity of our school.

Our ‘Diversity in Geography’ document shows some of the artists of different ethnicity, age, race, ability and gender that the children will study while at St Paul’s School.

                                          Geography Diversity Map

Geography learning begins in EYFS where children go on trips and visits of visits of the local area, study other countries through the story books they read and learn about maps through being pirates following treasure maps!

What are Knowledge Organisers?

Our St Paul’s Knowledge Organisers contain the key facts and information that your child needs to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic. They also act as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge for life-long learning.

Please visit your child’s Year Group Page to see the Geography Knowledge Organisers for their year group.

Will My Child Go On Any Geography Trips?

Yes! Each year, a range of exciting trips and visits related to Geography are organised by teachers. Examples of past Geography trips include visiting the Lea Valley River, going to the seaside, making observational studies of the local area and visiting the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.






Please press on the links below to see geography topic widgits:


Y6 London and MexicoY6 Rivers, oceans and rainforests

Y6 Countries and cities in the UK 

Y5 Athens and London      Y5 Barnet over time

Y5 Time zones and the Equator

Y4 Land Over Time     Y4 Water Cycle  

Year 4 Biomes and water cycle 

Y3 Moutains, Volcanoes, Earthquakes Y3 Countries

Y3 London and California comparison

Y2 Continents and Ocean    Y2 Climate zones and biomes

Y2 Coasts and weather

Y1 My class, My school, My road   Y1 The UK

Y1 Village and city