How is PE taught at St Paul’s?
A broad and varied PE curriculum is not only important in developing our pupils’ physical, emotional and social wellbeing, it is also vital in allowing children to be more productive in all areas of the curriculum.
We aim to provide our pupils the opportunity to experience a variety of sporting disciplines and develop their skills and understanding across our PE curriculum.
Pupils in Y1-Y6 have two sessions of PE a week. These sessions include games, gymnastic, dance and athletics. Pupils in Y4 go swimming once a week for two terms of the year.
Once a week, pupils from Rec to Y6 are taught a PE session by a specialist sports coach.
Pupils in EYFS have access to their own playground for the majority of the day. The playground is well equipped with an obstacle course, climbing frames, balance bikes, skipping ropes, hoops, balls, racquets and other sporting equipment all aimed at improving the children’s physical development.
Our ‘Diversity in PE’ document shows some of the athletes of different ethnicity, age, race, ability and gender that the children will study while at St Paul’s School.
Physical Education Diversity Map
Do You Offer Any Extra Curricular Activities?
We believe that a safe, inclusive atmosphere helps pupils of all ages to develop their social skills and confidence. We therefore host a number of after school clubs including
- Football Key Stage 1 (Wednesdays 4-4:30)
- Football Key Stage 2 (Fridays 4-4:30)
- Gymnastics (Fridays 4-4:30)
Pupils in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to take part in ‘Bikeability’- learning the skills to be able to safely cycle on roads, also we annually take part in the Barnet Dance Festival – developing coordination, rhythm and team skills.
Do Pupils Have The Opportunity To Take Part In Competitions and Tournaments?
We regularly inform the children and adults of competitions happening in our local community and encourage an active lifestyle through our monthly PE challenges. Miss Fleck is always on the lookout for PE and Sportspersonship ambassadors.