During Collective Worship this half term we have been thinking about the period of Lent being a ‘journey’ for Christians. We have used symbols to try and understand the way Christians think about God. We have talked about how God provides Christians with strength and endurance (walking stick) and supports them when things are difficult (First Aid kit) as well as shining ‘light’ on finding the right path (map and torch/lamp).

Lent is a period of time that Christians prepare themselves spiritually for the celebration of Easter. It is a period of 40 days when Christians think about Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and his time in the desert when he fasted and prayed. They also find time for prayer and committing to doing something or giving up something for this time. Lent began this year on Wednesday 22nd February and we held our Ashing service at St. Paul’s church. Everyone was invited and during the service the pupils and adults were asked  to receive an ‘Ashing’ a symbol of the start of this important part of the Christian calendar.